Healing and Transformation Through Energy - Online


Healing and Transformation Through Energy - Online

Sale Price:$300.00 Original Price:$400.00

Are you ready to live the life of your dreams in 2016?


What are you thinking about right now?


At this moment, your thoughts could range from a long to do list, work, kids, marriage or just life.


Questions can run through your mind all day with no answers in sight.


What if I told you that you can live the life of your dreams?


It begins with you, and you have what you need to live a life of happiness and fulfillment.  I know from personal experience that you attract what you think about the most. The transformation of my life is a journey that began by relaxation and relieving stress at a deep level. Stress is the foundation of so many problems in our lives and I want you to have the same breakthrough I had.


I can show you how to heal and transform your life through Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique. It's based on the idea that a "Life Force Energy" flows through each of us. When your Life Force Energy is low, you are more likely to feel the effects of stress or to get sick. Reiki is a "hands-on" method of reducing stress, promoting relaxation and creating balance in our lives. I will teach you these techniques and so much more and give you the tools to raise your vibration and tap into the energy that will start you on the path to happiness and fulfillment.


We will cover and you will learn about:


-       Law of attraction

-       Intuition

-       Discovering your true purpose

-       Energy and vibration

-       Meditation

-       Breathing

-       How to control your thoughts

-       Prayer

-       Manifestation

-       Tuning into your God given gifts

-       Reiki healing levels 1 and 2

-       How to do less and have more


We promise you access to the life of your dreams.


We are offering this course online.


Online Class Schedule


January 23   12pm – 5pm

January 24   12pm – 6pm 

January 24   6pm – 7pm Optional 1-Hour Practice Session with Q and A


***ADDED BONUS *** TBA – 3 session Online Seminar with Jason ($200 VALUE)


Investment in yourself: $400, and if you register before January 16th, 2015 it is $300 for the first 20 people that register only. 


By Healing Ourselves, We Heal The World


Jason Hansra

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